Thursday, March 24, 2011

Just What I Needed

I'm going to come clean about something....

I love my children, but being pregnant is not my favorite thing in the world. I do not feel glowing. I do not feel one with the earth, etc. I am uncomfortable from day 1 through the day they are born...and then some. I see this 9mth incubation as a small price to pay for the lifetime of love and joy I know they bring to the world, but UGH! - getting them here....UGH!

I get winded doing small tasks like blow drying my hair! Let alone the everyday stuff a mom of two has to do....Getting kids dressed, making beds, picking up clothes, doing know, just stuff...

...and let me tell you about me feet! By the end of the day, they feel horrible and seem enormous!

Last night, though, my achy swollen feet brought out a side of my Julia I don't think I've ever seen...

I was putting her to bed and pretty much just flopped down beside her telling her that my feet were huge and achy so I needed to lie down. Her little head was already on her pillow, but as soon as I said that, she popped up and told me, "Mommy, I can rub them for you. That will make the feel better."

She ripped off the covers and grabbed each foot one at a time and gave me the sweetest little foot rub ever.

When she was done, she said smiling, "I know that helps because when my legs ache, Daddy rubs them and makes them feel all better, too."

How thankful I am for a husband who is teaching our little firecracker compassion. It really makes having achy, swollen feet worth it....
So we have about 10 more weeks or so to deal with the preggo whininess ;), but evenso, I am so grateful and know it is allllll worth it.....

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Truth about Jules and Dogs

The difference between my children can be witnessed every time the ASPCA "Arms of the Angels" commercial comes on.

Julia: "Mom, can't we just fast forward? I don't like this...Why are they singing about angels? Dogs aren't angels. Angels aren't in cages. Angels don't smell."

Joshua: "Puppy dog sad....Puppy dog need hug..." (Sarah MacLachlan appears petting her dog) "Puppy dog happy now. Puppy dog need love. I love puppy dog."

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Wii are Learning to Lose....

This past Christmas we got a Wii...Maybe a little behind the curve, but with younger kids I didn't think they'd have too much fun with it and I definitely didn't want to lose my husband to Mario Cart, etc.

Anyway, it has been so much fun! While I'm not that into playing it, I love watching Jason and Julia go up against each other and up until recently Josh has been content to pretend he's playing with them.

Last night, it all changed. God only knows how, but Josh has learned how to play the Wii golf know, where you hit the ball onto the big targets.

Not only did he learn how to play, he somehow beats the heck out of Julia's score...everytime...and we have learned that hell hath no fury like Julia losing to her 2 yr old brother.

After the 3rd consecutive loss, she hurled her remote to the front door, walked over to an oblivious Joshua and gave him a 1-2 Rocky Balboa knock to the head. He cried and she was swiftly picked up by my 6.5 mth pregnant self and dragged up the stairs into her room for a very firm talking to...

I love that she hates to lose, but teaching her losing is ok, inevitable and absolutely no excuse to go psycho on her brother is going to take some work. I told her next time she doesn't win to tell Josh "good job." She said, "No way." So I told her she could add "but I'm going to beat you next time," which made her smile a little.

Unfortunately or fortunately, she has some time to perfect her response as she is in a Wii time-out for the next few Josh continues to perfect his swing....