Sunday, November 8, 2009

As Long as You Live Under My Roof....

Julia recently went through a phase where if I came into her room while she was playing and she didn't want me in there, she'd tell me to leave...Well, I would quickly inform her - "I pay for this house and I pay for your room - so I will come in here whenever I need to."

It's a phrase I'm sure most of us have heard sometime in our lives...

Fast forward to today....I'm in Julia's room helping her make her bed and I see her clothes from yesterday laying on the floor. Here's how our conversation went:

"Julia, can you please pick up your clothes?"

"No, mom."

"Julia, this is your room. You need to keep it nice and clean. Please pick up your clothes."

"No, mom," she said with her little sly smile. "You pay for the room, so you can clean it, too."

I know it could have been a teaching moment somehow, but I just started laughing so hard as she skipped out of the I just picked it up myself.

I definitely need to come up with a good defense on this one!


  1. Now that is one smart little girl! Too Funny! :)


  2. Rachel, Hello its Lana....your moms friend from days gone by....I loved the last blog so funny and how witty ....that sure sounded like "Donna"...

    Your blog is fun to read...insightful...entertaining....!!!

