Thursday, September 3, 2009

Sweet Tea Salvation

Sweet tea became sweeter this past weekend....

Early in the summer, Julia and I started a little mother/daughter tradition of drinking sweet tea on the porch every few days. We would chat about what we had been doing, what we had planned and even one night, we swatted bats that were flying around our house (so weird, I know, but for a 4 yr old, it was hilarious).

Sweet Tea on the porch has often been the highlight of my day. Having a busy, high energy 4 yr old girl sit down for 15 minutes of conversation is rare, let me tell you, if not miraculous.

Last Saturday, after a busy day of shopping, a birthday party and cookout, Julia and I sat watching the sun go down with sweet tea in hand....Our conversation led to heaven. She asked me if there would be toys or stores or our house up there and I answered as best as I could. I mean, I wanted her to look forward to the day without scaring the bajeebies out of her lest Barbie did not make St. Pete's list.

She got a little quiet and finally asked me, "Why did Jesus have to die on a cross?" It was the question of all questions for my little girl to ask - and I know I fumbled through my attempt of making the most beautiful story ever told simple for her to understand. I told her He had to die as a punishment for all the bad things we do. If we tell God we are sorry for all the naughty things we have done and believe in our hearts that Jesus is God's Son, we go to Heaven to be with Him forever... {{paraphrased, sort of}}

She looked up thoughtfully and said, "I want to do that" - -I told her she just had to tell God.

She closed her eyes so tight, put her hands together and prayed, "Dear God, Jesus and Mary"

(I then interrupted to let her know she didn't need to tell Mary..."It's His mother, she should know" was Julia's response...fine with me as I'm tearing up a bit)

"Dear God, Jesus and Mary, I am sorry for doing bad things and want Jesus to come in my heart because He's God's son. Amen"

It was one of the most precious moments of my life....Sweet tea on the porch on a summer night and my sweet Julia in God's hands....

I realize she is so young and know there are going to many questions and maybe not many answers, but such innocence wanting to be with her Creator and wanting the Savior of her soul close inspires me and motivates me to do the same on deeper levels.

Take away my home, cars, job, and any other material, I am still the richest momma in the world after this night and every night....

Yes, my child really said this.


  1. What a sweet story! It gave me chills. Glad to see you have a blog too!
